Hello Goddess Blog


I know times can be incredibly challenging, so difficult in fact that you are forced to (tunnel vision) focus on the challenge in order to fix it, do what you have to to prevent it from happening again and deal with the repercussions of it and, as a result, get stuck in that place long after that challenge has passed. Then of course life is how life is and other challenges happen and now you are dealing with various “fires” all at once.

My goal today is to share a tip to help bring a little bit of respite from that place you may get stuck in from time to time. It can definitely be tricky to get out of it all on your own.

“Remember when you wanted what you now have?”

The first time I saw that quote it hit home on so many levels. It brought a huge smile to my face and enveloped me with so much warmth and waves of gratitude that it felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my body.

Today I invite you to look back, focus on what you wanted then that you have now. Bask in that joy for as long as your body wishes, and do it every time you remember, or perhaps even print this image out or save as a lock screen/wallpaper on your phone.

When I do this, my body literally has me sigh with relief, the joy of gratitude rinses away any heavy-feeling funky energy and I get enough of an energetic break from “stuff” which allows my body to fill up and reboot.

Sending much love!

In support of you,
Debbie Deupree

P.S. Again, you can download that phone wallpaper here. If you aren’t sure how to save to your iPhone to set up as your lock screen image, click reply and let us know.

P.P.S. Want to learn more? Take the "Feeling STUCK" pledge at the top of the page or head over directly to connect here on Patreon.